Well you should know that seo means: Search engine optimization, and am sure you have always wanted to write a search engine optimized blog post in blogger well today I'll give a complete tutorial on how to do that first of all let's discuss the benefit of getting a seo blog post, OK am sure you must have made a blog post and you wondered why is it not on the first page on Google well that's the reason you need an optimed blog post so I'll discuss that now starting with things to do and how to do it because here at Districtnd we love sharing because we know sharing is caring. How to write an seo blog post in blogger
1 Have a rich article : The first thing you need to make sure is to have a rich article with enough words that is more than the person on the first page, for example let's say that you want to make a blog post about "carbon" and you noticed that the person that is Ranking first page in the topic "carbon" have 1000 words in his article, then write your own article with 1500 words or more in order to outrank him and make sure the contents are readable and make sure they are not too long if not your readers will not like it also make sure they are not stolen or copied.
2 Post title: Your post title should be <h1> tag, normally if you are using blogger you don't need to worry because your article will automatically be at <h1> tag, but to be sure follow these steps to put your post title at <h1> tag
1 At your post editor click HTML,
2 Make sure you have added the title then at HTML locate the title
3 Now add <h1> at the beginning of the title <\h1> at the end of the title.
4 That's all your done with the title.
Eg <h1>Carbon<\h1>
Where carbon is the title.
3 Sub-Title: We have title and we also have sub-title, you can add a sub-title to your blog post if what you are discussing or writing about have another minor topic that contains the main information about that article. let's say You are making a post about "carbon" and you are done with explaining the origination of carbon, then your sub-title will be carbon itself, where you will explain all about the "carbon", what it is and how to get it, so sub-title is the second beginning of a blog post. It should be in <h2> tag or <h3>
Here is how to put your sub-title in <h2> or <h3> tag
1 When creating your post in blogger click HTML.
2 Then select the sub title and add <h2> or <h3> at the beginning of the sub-title then <\h2> or <\h3> at the end of the blog subtitle, let's say your writing an article about "carbon" and your title is "carbon" then your sub-title should be like this example in your HTML at blog post
<h2>what is carbon<\h2> or <h3>what is carbon</h3>
4 minor heading: This is any little topic that is related to your blog post or any sub-topic from any part of your blog post, it is normally used in <h4> tag, am sure you have learnt how to put a title it's tag so put the <h4> tag to any minor heading In your blog post.
5 Add well sized images: If you want an optimized blog post then make sure your images are at the right size which is 640*520 not too less not too much.
How to easily reduce the size of an image in blogger
1 At your blog post tap on the image.
2 You will see the option that says small tap it and the image will be small or tap medium and it will be medium.
3 That's all you have reduced the size.
6 Compress your images: When writing a search engine optimizated blog post you must make sure your images do not contain a lot of space like images that are 2mb or above avoid those type of images, your images should be from 1.5mb below nothing more than that.
7 Add image alt attributes: your images must have alt attributes this will enable search engines to display your image at images search result so there is need for alt attributes, in alt attributes there are two things involved
(i) alt tittle or title text: This is the name given to your image, make sure you name your images according to what the image displays for example if your image is a picture of "carbon" then the alt title should be named "carbon".
(ii) Alt text: This is the information of the image, in alt text you will fill in everything about that image, because the alt text explains everything found in that image make sure you are specific.
So now you know what alt attributes are now let me tell you the steps on how to add image alt attributes to an image.
1 At your blog post editor click on the image.
2 You will see where it is written properties.
3 fill in the properties according to how I explained.
4 Now save and your done with alt attributes.
Tips in adding alt attributes
(i) Make sure alt attributes contains keywords relevant to blog post.
(ii) Don't stuff keywords in alt attributes.
(iii) Good length not too long nor short.
(iv) Don't use the same alt attributes and titles for your images.
Dats all with alt attributes get all this done and your image will rank high.
8 Use an seo friendly URL: Also make sure that your url is seo friendly, For example you are making a blog post about carbon and your URL is https://yourblog.com/carbon-95943-blog-isp-848-ip. well this is bad so you must edit your URL and it should be
So in order to change the URL of your blogger blog follow these steps
1 At your blog post editor tap on permalink
2 At permalink click custom
3 Now remove that messy URL and put the good one separate each words with "-" for example https://yourblog.com/what-is-carbon
Tips on editing URL of blog post
(i) It must contain keywords (most important)
(ii) Not excessively long
(iii) must not contain stop words (very important, but don't worry I have a list of stop word's you must avoid in your URL here)
9 Label your post: As you can see in this blog there are labels that grouped blog posts according to what they are, use this picture as an example of a label.
How to add labels to blog
(i) At the right hand side of your blog post editor you will see labels.
(ii) Click it and add a label, for example if you are making a blog post about carbon then your label should be chemistry or anything that sees carbon as sub-topic.
(ii) Now go to your blogger dashboard, Go to layout.
(iii) Click add gadget
(iv) Scroll down and pick labels then edit it with the way you want.
(v) Make sure it's located at a place where your readers will see it.
10 Use a good search description: The search description of your blog post is the detailed magnetic information of that article that attracts readers, a search description must be attractive and make users click your web and make sure it contains keywords relevant to blog post, follow these steps to know how to add search description on blogger
1 At the right hand side of your blog post editor click description.
2 Now fill in the information you want readers and search engine to see when your URL displays, and be sure to add keywords relevant to blog post.
3 Well save and your done with search description.
11 Ensure proper linking: Be sure to add proper links in your blog post use No-follow to link to external sites that tries to rank for the same keywords as you and your affiliate links.
How to do this
1 At your blog post long press a word you want to turn into a link.
2 Pick that link icon that resembles a chain icon.
3 Paste the link at the box provided.
4 Pick rel no follow when linking to external sites especially affiliate links.
5 save and that's it.
12 Check spelling errors: Like I said make a rich article and a article can't be rich if it doesn't have good grammar so check for spelling errors use this easy method to detect spelling errors in blog post in blogger.
1 At the top of your post editor.
2 Pick the abc icon.
3 Now highlight every word in yellow and add words that shouldn't be highlighted to your dictionary by right-clicking on the word and clicking add to dictionary.
All these will make your blog post rank high in search engine and your seo will improve. Warning:
Make make sure you get all these done properly to ensure improvement.
This is a full list of seo optimization of blog post in blogger I'll see if there is more to add here subscribe to our blog so that you will get updated when something new pops up.
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