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DistrictND |
Am sure you must have known someway or they other that there are certain words that are ignored by google search engines and I know you would like to have an alphabetical order of these words from a-z well I have listed them here.
Stop Words
Stop words are those words that are ignored or skipped by search engines, they are normally found on our permalink.
How to remove stop words from our permalink.
Well if our post title is "How to make money online" and our permalink will be: htpps://district.blogspot.com/how-to-make-cash-online
As you can see how, to, & make are stop words and I have to remove them from my permalink so I will edit my permalink to be: https://district.blogspot.com/online-cash
As you can see I removed the stop words now Google will not ignore my link and my post will rank high
Please note do not edit your permalink if your post has already been published.
Here are the seo stop words
* able
* about
* above
* abroad
* according
* accordingly
* across
* actually
* adj
* after
* afterwards
* again
* against
* ago
* ahead
* ain’t
* all
* allow
* allows
* almost
* alone
* along
* alongside
* already
* also
* although
* always
* am
* amid
* amidst
* among
* amongst
* an
* and
* another
* any
* anybody
* anyhow
* anyone
* anything
* anyway
* anyways
* anywhere
* apart
* appear
* appreciate
* appropriate
* are
* aren’t
* around
* as
* a’s
* aside
* ask
* asking
* associated
* at
* available
* away
* awfully
* back
* backward
* backwards
* be
* became
* because
* become
* becomes
* becoming
* been
* before
* beforehand
* begin
* behind
* being
* believe
* below
* beside
* besides
* best
* better
* between
* beyond
* both
* brief
* but
* by
* came
* can
* cannot
* cant
* can’t
* caption
* cause
* causes
* certain
* certainly
* changes
* clearly
* c’mon
* co
* co.
* com
* come
* comes
* concerning
* consequently
* consider
* considering
* contain
* containing
* contains
* corresponding
* could
* couldn’t
* course
* c’s
* currently
* dare
* daren’t
* definitely
* described
* despite
* did
* didn’t
* different
* directly
* do
* does
* doesn’t
* doing
* done
* don’t
* down
* downwards
* during
* each
* edu
* eg
* eight
* eighty
* either
* else
* elsewhere
* end
* ending
* enough
* entirely
* especially
* et
* etc
* even
* ever
* evermore
* every
* everybody
* everyone
* everything
* everywhere
* ex
* exactly
* example
* except
* fairly
" far
* farther
* few
* fewer
* fifth
* first
* five
* followed
* following
* follows
* for
* forever
* former
* formerly
* forth
* forward
* found
* four
* from
* further
* furthermore
* get
* gets
* getting
* given
* gives
* go
* goes
* going
* gone
* got
* gotten
* greetings
* had
* hadn’t
* hardly
* has
* hasn’t
* have
* haven’t
* having
* he
* he’d
* he’ll
* hello
* help
* hence
* her
* here
* hereafter
* hereby
* herein
* here’s
* hereupon
* hers
* herself
* he’s
* hi
* him
* himself
* his
* hither
* hopefully
* how
* howbeit
* however
* hundred
* i’d
* ie
* if
* ignored
* i’ll
* i’m
* immediate
* in
* inasmuch
* inc
* inc.
* indeed
* indicate
* indicated
* indicates
* inner
* inside
* insofar
* instead
* into
* inward
* is
* isn’t
* it
* it’d
* it’ll
* its
* it’s
* itself
* i've
* just
* keep
* keeps
* kept
* know
* known
* knows
* last
* lately
* later
* latter
* latterly
* least
* less
* lest
* let
* let’s
* like
* liked
* likely
* likewise
* little
* look
* looking
* looks
* low
* lower
* ltd
* made
* mainly
* make
* makes
* many
* may
* maybe
* mayn’t
* me
* mean
* meantime
* meanwhile
* merely
* might
* mightn’t
* mine
* minus
* miss
* more
* moreover
* most
* mostly
* mr
* mrs
* much
* must
* mustn’t
* my
* myself
* name
* namely
* nd
* near
* nearly
* necessary
* need
* needn’t
* needs
* neither
* never
* neverf
* neverless
* nevertheless
* new
* next
* nine
* ninety
* no
* nobody
* non
* none
* nonetheless
* noone
* no-one
* nor
* normally
* not
* nothing
* notwithstanding
* novel
* now
* nowhere
* obviously
* of
* off
* often
* oh
* ok
* okay
* old
* on
* once
* one
* ones
* one’s
* only
* onto
* opposite
* or
* other
* others
* otherwise
* ought
* oughtn’t
* our
* ours
* ourselves
* out
* outside
* over
* overall
* own
* particular
* particularly
* past
* per
* perhaps
* placed
* please
* plus
* possible
* presumably
* probably
* provided
* provides
* que
* quite
* qv
* rather
* rd
* re
* really
* reasonably
* recent
* recently
* regarding
* regardless
* regards
* relatively
* respectively
* right
* round
* said
* same
* saw
* say
* saying
* says
* second
* secondly
* see
* seeing
* seem
* seemed
* seeming
* seems
* seen
* self
* selves
* sensible
* sent
* serious
* seriously
* seven
* several
* shall
* shan’t
* she
* she’d
* she’ll
* she’s
* should
* shouldn’t
* since
* six
* so
* some
* somebody
* someday
* somehow
* someone
* something
* sometime
* sometimes
* somewhat
* somewhere
* soon
* sorry
* specified
* specify
* specifying
* still
* sub
* such
* sup
* sure
* take
* taken
* taking
* tell
* tends
* th
* than
* thank
* thanks
* thanx
* that
* that’ll
* thats
* that’s
* that’ve
* the
* their
* theirs
* them
* themselves
* then
* thence
* there
* thereafter
* thereby
* there’d
* therefore
* therein
* there’ll
* there’re
* theres
* there’s
* thereupon
* there’ve
* these
* they
* they’d
* they’ll
* they’re
* they’ve
* thing
* things
* think
* third
* thirty
* this
* thorough
* thoroughly
* those
* though
* three
* through
* throughout
* thru
* thus
* till
* to
* together
* too
* took
* toward
* towards
* tried
* tries
* truly
* try
* trying
* t’s
* twice
* two
* un
* under
* underneath
* undoing
* unfortunately
* unless
* unlike
* unlikely
* until
* unto
* up
* upon
* upwards
* us
* use
* used
* useful
* uses
* using
* usually
* various
* versus
* very
* via
* viz
* vs
* want
* wants
* was
* wasn’t
* way
* we
* we’d
* welcome
* well
* we’ll
* went
* were
* we’re
* weren’t
* we’ve
* what
* whatever
* what’ll
* what’s
* what’ve
* when
* whence
* whenever
* where
* whereafter
* whereas
* whereby
* wherein
* where’s
* whereupon
* wherever
* whether
* which
* whichever
* while
* whilst
* whither
* who
* who’d
* whoever
* whole
* who’ll
* whom
* whomever
* who’s
* whose
* why
* will
* willing
* wish
* with
* within
* without
* wonder
* won’t
* would
* wouldn’t
* yes
* yet
* you
* you’d
* you’ll
* your
* you’re
* yours
* yourself
* yourselves
* you’ve
* zero
Nice one pls let fellow each other
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